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Basements | Home Improvement | Our First Home | Remodel

Show us some messy stuff!

Story #4

I know. I said that we’re completely remodeling our first home. Then, I spent the first 3 stories telling you about us, our house, and our plans. Are you eager to see pictures of us tearing apart the house? I know, the messy stuff is exciting and there will be plenty of it during this project.

We’re eager to dig into the renovations, too. So, on our second day of homeownership, we began pulling down the paneling and storage cabinets in the basement. This was a great place to start our demolition because it didn’t involve any components that are structural, electrical, or plumbing. Plus, we could see a big difference after 1 day of work. It was very satisfying to reveal the raw concrete walls and start filling the 30-yard dumpster with that outdated paneling and other trash from the basement. 


    The home inspector (who we’ll talk about in the next 2 stories) didn’t find any signs of water penetration or shifting of the foundation, but he can only examine the house “as-is,” not see behind the walls. By removing all of the paneling, we could check the entire foundation to confirm that it was sound. Luckily, there weren’t any surprises hiding behind that paneling! Even the one spot of darker concrete that we discovered under a window is a properly completed concrete patch. Before we frame and drywall the new walls, we’ll take pictures to assure future owners that there aren’t any foundation issues.